Sunday 28 June 2015

Be Patient When A Calamity Befalls You

We were all created for a purpose and we are all servants of Allah(SWT), He is our God, our Provider. He gave us life so that we can worship and pray to Him and He alone knows best.
As human beings, we will definitely be tested but that doesn't mean our life in this world is going to miserable. Yes, it can be miserable for that little time where you have to endure with the hardship, but through your patience you are only getting closer to Allah
(SWT) and dearer to His love. Although you are afflicted with hardship that doesn't mean you don't have the hand help of Allah(SWT), Surely, His help is more closer to you than your problems. Subhanallah! Each time you go through a hardship, it is not because Allah(SWT) hates you or is angry with you, its simply because He loves you more. Maybe through the hardship that you are undergoing, all the sins that you've committed gets washed off, it can be that Allah(SWT) wants to elevate your status in the Aakhira and He wants you to pray to Him, remember Him and cry to Him so that He can help you. 

The Prophet ﷺ said, “No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah(SWT) expiates some of his sins for that,” [Bukhari]. "Certainly Allah(SWT) will bring about, after hardship, ease." [Qur’an, 65:7]. 

This Qura'nic verse shows how compassionate Allah(SWT) is towards His slaves. Allah(SWT) will never burden a soul beyond what it can carry. Trials and hardships have a purpose, they remind us of our Lord, if we are not close to Allah(SWT), far apart from His love, then through hardship we can get nearer to Him and His soothing Mercy. Do not greive over and complain over what befalls you, instead thank Allah(SWT) because through this, you get closer to Him.

Hazrat Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s.) has said: “When calamities come, be patient like a noble man. Don’t complain to people about Allah
(SWT) because it is like complaining to cruel people about one who is the most Beneficent and the most Merciful".

To be patient in calamities and hardships is the best obedience to Allah
(SWT). The amount of reward is in accordance with the amount of suffering. When Allah(SWT) loves some people, He tries them with affliction. He who then is content with Allah's(SWT) decree has achieved the acceptance of Allah(SWT), and he who is dissatisfied (with Allah's(SWT) decree) will attain the anger of Allah(SWT). Whenever Allah(SWT) wills good for a person, He subjects him to adversity.

"Be patient over what befalls you"- Quraa'n [Surah Luqman Verse 17]\

The hardship that you have to endure in this Dunya is just momentary, you will get your share of peace and reward for all that you bore with patience in the Aakhira. During times like this, Pray as much as you can, you are having direct conversations with Allah(SWT) and He listen to you. Wake up during the late parts of the night and offer your Thahajjud Salah, Allah waits for you at that time, while the entire world is absorbed in sleep, you have a personal time with Allah(SWT), He waits to answer your prayers. And don't lose hope if your prayers are not answered, Either Allah(SWT) is waiting to give the best for you, He is testing you or He saves it all for the life after death. Allah(SWT) knows best what is needed for us. He loves us 70 times more than our own mother, His love for us is endless, so He wont afflict us with what we cannot take. Hardships are a way to wash off your sins and bring you back to the love of Allah(SWT), and for all we know, it can be the sole reason for you to enter Jannah as well. 

"Certainly, We shall test you with fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient - those who, when afflicted with calamity say, "Truly to Allah(SWT) we belong, and truly to Him shall we return. It is those who will be awarded blessings and mercy from their Lord; and it is those who are the guided ones." [2:155-157]

"O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah(SWT) is with the patient.” (Qur’an, 2:153)

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